No more than 29.% of the families had monthly incomes below N200., well below the subsistence level in a city rated among the most expensive in the world in terms of housing and general cost of living.
Which of the following par


No more than 29.% of the families had monthly incomes below N200., well below the subsistence level in a city rated among the most expensive in the world in terms of housing and general cost of living.
Which of the following paraphrases is most appropriate to the statement above?

A.Only 29.% of the families had monthly incomes less than N200., which is much lower than the subsistence level in a city ranked among the most expensive in terms of housing and general cost of living.
B.The families with the monthly income below N200. cannot make a living in a city with the most expensive cost of living and housing.
C.Monthly incomes of almost 29.% of the families are below N200., which could barely support the basic necessities of urban life in a city where housing price and the cost of living are among highest in the world.
D.No more than 29.% of the families can earn more than N200. a month to support their lives in the city of highest cost of living and housing.



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