

  希腊破产;主权信用评级为垃圾级的葡萄牙在恳求安哥拉投资;高失业率的西班牙其利率在过去的这个月里已经翻倍;投资者对正在复苏的爱尔兰债券持高度警惕的态度。增长停滞的意大利正在负隅顽抗,尽管新上任的技术型总理蒙蒂(MarioMonti)有着明星般的声誉,但意大利仍面临着不可持续的高利率;而对于在欧盟的成员国比利时来说,负债已经与GDP相当,债务信用评级已被下调,原因之一就是新政府迟迟未能成立。消费者信心正在下降的法国很可能是下一个。德国的部分国债还没卖出去,并且国债的价格也在下滑。任何欧元区国家以及欧元区公司都无法逃脱欧元区这座建筑的结构性缺陷所带来的影响。   欧元区以外的国家也未能幸免。英国赤字高涨,债台高筑,减赤方案有可能不起作用。英国之所以还维持着AAA的评级,是因为该多拥有自己的货币,并且评级机构在决定是否降级时越来越多地考虑到国家的管理能力。英国被认为管理能力较强,但等周三公务员大罢工令全国陷入瘫痪后,情况可能就不一样了。

Bankrupt Greece; junk-rated Portugal pleading with Angola for inbound investment; jobless Spain, facing some interest rates that have doubled in the past month; and recovering Ireland have already fallen to the bond vigilantes. Growth-free Italy is fighting a rearguard action, facing unsustainable interest rates despite the stellar reputation of its newly appointed technocrat prime minister, Mario Monti; Belgian debt, now equal to its GDP, has been downgraded, in part because of the inability of this seat of the EU to form a new government. France, consumer confidence dropping, is likely next. Some German IOUs were unsold, and prices of bunds are slipping. No euro-zone country and no euro-zone company can any longer escape the consequences of the structural flaw in the euro-zone architecture.   Nor can countries outside the euro zone. Great Britain, with high deficits, mounting debt, and a deficit-reduction plan that just might not work, retains its triple-A rating because it has its own currency and the rating companies increasingly consider governance when deciding whether to downgrade. Britain is considered governable, but that might change after Wednesday's strike of public-service workers shuts down the country.




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