根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案。用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和素材,设计一个15分钟的口语教学活动,教案没有固定格式,但要包括以下几点: ·teachingobjectives ·teachingcontents ·keyanddifficultpoints ·majorstepsandtimeallocation ·activitiesandjustificatios 教学时间:l5分钟 学生概况:某城镇普通初一年级第一学期学生,40人。多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语


根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案。用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和素材,设计一个15分钟的口语教学活动,教案没有固定格式,但要包括以下几点: ·teachingobjectives ·teachingcontents ·keyanddifficultpoints ·majorstepsandtimeallocation ·activitiesandjustificatios 教学时间:l5分钟 学生概况:某城镇普通初一年级第一学期学生,40人。多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》二级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材: DearJenny, IamverybusyonFriday.At8:00Ihavemath.Itisnotfun.Theteachersaysitisuseful,butIthinkitisdifficult.Thenat9:00Ihavescience.Itisdifficultbutinteresting.At10:00Ihavehis-tory.Afterthat,IhaveP.E.at11:00.It′seasyandfun.Lunchisfrom12:00to1:00,andafterthatwehaveChinese.Itismyfavoritesubject.OurChineseteacher,Mr.Wang,isgreatfun.Myclassesfinishat1:50,butafterthatIhaveanartlessonfortwohours.Itisreallyrelaxing!Howaboutyou WhenareyourclassesWhatisyourfavoritesubject Yourfriend, YuMei

Teaching Contents: A letter that Yu Mei writes to her friend Jenny, which talks about her study life on Friday. Teaching Objectives: (1) Kownledge objectives ① Students can master the meaning and usage of this writing. ②Students can use the fixed structures "I have science/math/Chinese/PE" and "It is + adj." in proper situation totalk about their study life. (2) Ability objectives ① Students can get the main idea about what Yu Mei is talking about after listening, and can get some useful in-formation from the writing. ② Students can improve their listening and speaking abilities through class activities. (3) Emotional objectives ① Students can improve the confidence of learning English, and are not afraid of speaking English in class. ② Students can cooperate with others actively, and complete the tasks together. Teaching Key Point: Students can use the new sentences "1 have science/math/Chinese/PE" and"It is + adj." to talk about theirstudy life. Teaching Difficult Points: (1) Students can use the new sentences correctly; (2) Students can understand it is very necessary to talk about the study life with their friends to share theiridea. Major Steps: Step 1 Presentation (7 minutes) (1) The teacher shows the passage on the PPT and asks students to read the passage and find out the following in-formation. How does Yu Mei think of the math What does Yu Mei have at 10: 00 What' s Yu Mei' s favorite subject Then the teacher asks students to fill in the blanks of the table, and asks them to check the answer in pairs. (2) The teacher plays the tape, and asks students to read after the tape, and pay more attention to the pronuncia-tion, and do the imitation. (Justification: Through the various activities, students can understand the details of the writing and learn to com-municate with each other.) Step 2 Practice (4 minutes) The teacher shows the picture about one student' s study, and asks students to describe the content according tothe picture with deskmates. For instance: A: What lessons does he have on Friday B: He has math. (Justification: Through this activity, students can practice the dialogue in pairs and consolidate the knowledgewhat they have learned.) Step 3 Production (4 minutes) The teacher chooses some volunteers to do the interview. One of the partners acts as the interviewer and the otherinterviewee. Make an interview about the study life, using the knowledge they have learnt today. (Justification: Students do the interview in their own way, which helps to apply what they have learnt in this peri-od in real situation.)




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