下面是以为教师英语课堂上的板书内容截图 根据该板书回答下列问题 1.分析该教学目的(6分) 2.从三个方面分析该板书所体现的教学理念(12分) 3.分析该板书的两个优点两个缺点(12分)


下面是以为教师英语课堂上的板书内容截图 根据该板书回答下列问题 1.分析该教学目的(6分) 2.从三个方面分析该板书所体现的教学理念(12分) 3.分析该板书的两个优点两个缺点(12分)

(1)教学目的:所有学生能够通过将词汇带入被动句型...was ...by/to the committee. 进行替换练习,加强核心句型练习和掌握。(6 分 ) (2)①该案例中教师通过引导学生替换练习,体现了以学生为主体的教学理念,(4 分) ②该案例中教师通过设计替换练习活动进行核心句型练习,引导学生对句型进行扩展练习,体现了加强学习策略指导,培养学生自主学习能力,(4 分) ③该案例中教师借助板书进行核心知识展示,体现了丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道。(4 分) (3)优点: ①借助板书将课程核心知识清晰展示,有利于学生记忆和学习;(3 分) ②通过词汇扩展,有利于学生革握该句型其他关联知识。(3 分) 缺点: ①板书缺少标题,不利于学生结合课文内容进行理解和掌握;(3 分) ②板书较为简单,学生不容易掌握何时使用介词 by,何时使用 to,在知识掌握上学生可能会存在记忆混淆出错。(3分) (1)教学目的: 学生在教师引导下通过归纳式板书,总结出一般过去时的被动语态及相关介词的用法。 (2)①该板书呈现了含有所学语法规则的语境,有利于教师引导学生探究语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,体现出强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性的教学理念。 ②该板书间接地向学生渗透英语学习策略,学生必须主动学习,愿意动脑,才能达到较好的学习效果,这体现了培养学生自主学习能力的教学理念。 ③板书面向全班学生,遵循学生的认知特点,没有直接呈现语言规则,而是引导学生自主归纳,体现了教师为主导、学生为主体的教学理念。 (3)优点: ①板书结构简洁,清晰地展示了本节课的核心知识结构,有利于学生对语言知识的归纳和掌握。 ②板书呈现了多个例句,对相关词汇进行了拓展,有利于学生灵活运用所学的语法结构。 Teaching Contents: This lesson is a profile of Picasso and a brief introduction to one of his Cubist paintings. Teaching Objectives: (1) Knowledge objective Students are able to know more information about Picasso and his paintings. (2) Ability objectives (①) Students are able to find the detailed information about the passage through scanning. ②) Students are able to introduce Picasso to others. (3) Emotional objectives ① Students are able to improve their interest in paintings of different styles. ② Students can develop aesthetic consciousness. Teaching Key and Difficult points: (1) Teaching key point How to make students improve their reading ability for the detailed information. (2) Teaching difficult point How to make students retell the article according to the timeline and learn to introduce some famous people. Major Steps: Step 1 Pre-reading (3 minutes) Show paintings of Picasso in different periods, ask students to talk about their feelings. Then introduce Picasso based on these paintings. (Justification: This step can provide students with some background knowledge, which can prepare them for reading the text.) Step 2 While-reading (8 minutes) (1) Ask students to read the article for the first time and finish the match as follows: At the age of 10Picasso painted a series of pictures where the main colour was blue. At the age of 16Picasso painted much happier pictures in the colour pink. From 1902 to 1904 Picasso was already an excellent artist. From 1904 to 1906 Picasso had his first exhibition. (2) Ask students to read the text for the second time and work in groups of four to discuss the relationship between the colour and the theme of paintings and Picasso's intentions behind his paintings.(Justification: Fast reading helps students master the main idea of the passage. The group work can improve students' thinking and expressing ability.) 缺点: ①板书缺少标题,不利于学生明确本节课所学习的重点。 ②板书内容缺乏多样性和层次性,展示的知识内容较为单一,对易混点没有重点标注,如例旬中介词by和to的用法。




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