Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they will read logically. Put the numbers in proper sequence in the boxes provided below.
1. A month later, when my tailbone had stopped throbbing, I still felt that way.
2. I have always needed occ


Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they will read logically. Put the numbers in proper sequence in the boxes provided below.
1. A month later, when my tailbone had stopped throbbing, I still felt that way.
2. I have always needed occasional events of excitement in my life, so when I realize one spring day that I was more than ordinary bored, I made up my mind to take more than ordinary steps to relieve that boredom.
3. The next thing I know, I was stuffed into a small plane with five other terrified people, rolling down a bumpy, rural runway, droning my way to 3,500 feet and an exhilarating experience.
4. I decide to go parachuting.
5. Once over the jump area, I waited my turn, stepped onto the strut, held my breath, and then kicked off into the cold, rushing air as my heart pounded heavily.
6. All I could think was,“I hope this parachute opens!” The sensation of falling backwards through space was unfamiliar and disconcerting till my chute opened with a loud pop “pop,”momentarily pulling me upwards toward the distant sky.
7. Life, I remembered happily, could be awfully exciting.
8. After several minutes of floating downward, I landed rudely on the hard ground.
【】【】【】 5 6 8 【】【】





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