The causes of the surge in youth violencesince the mid-1980s reach.


The causes of the surge in youth violencesince the mid-1980s reach. of course, well beyond demographics. There have beentremendous changes in the social context of crime over the past decade, whichexplain why this generation of youth-the young and the ruthless-is more violentthan others before it. 46. Our youngsters have more dangerous drugs in theirbodies, more deadly weapons in their hands, and a seemingly more casualattitude about violence. It is clear that too many teenagers in thiscountry, particularly those in urban areas, are plagued with idleness and evenhopelessness. 47. A growing number of teens and preteens see few feasible orattractive alternatives to violence, drug use, and gang membership. For them,the American Dream is a nightmare. There may be little to live for and tostrive for, but plenty to die for and even to kill for

The problem of kids with guns cannot beoverstated in view of recent trends in gun-related killings among youth. Sincethe mid-1980s, the number of gun-homicides-particularly withhandguns-perpetrate by juveniles has quadrupled, while the prevalence ofjuvenile homicide involving all other weapons combined has remained virtuallyconstant.

Guns are far more lethal in severalrespects. A 14-year-old armed with a gun is far more menacing than a44-year-old with a gun. 48. Although juveniles may be untrained in usingfirearms, they are more willing to pull the trigger over trivial matters-aleather jacket, a pair of sneakers a challenging remark, or no reason at allwithout fully considering the consequences. Also, the gun psychologically distancesthe offender from the victim: if the same youngster had to kill his or her victim(almostalways someone known) with hands, he or she might be deterred by the physicalcontact.

49. While the negative socializing forcesof drugs. guns, gangs, and the media have become more threatening the positivesocializing forces of family, school, religion. and neighborhood have grownrelatively weak and ineffective. Increasingly, children are being raised in homes disruptedby divorce and economic stress; too many children emerge undersocialized andundersupervised.

50. At this juncture, as many as 57 percent of children in America do not have full-time parental supervision, eitherliving with single parent who works full time or in a two-parent household withboth parents working full time. The lack of parental supervision for young children isnearly as great. As many as 49 per cent of children under age six do not havethe benefit of full-time parenting. While some children enjoy suitablesubstitute supervision provided by friends and relatives or in day-care, fartoo many do not.

51. I do not mean to imply any special blameon the part of parents, and mothers in particular. While some parents areterribly ill-prepared for the task of raising children, most parents are wellmeaning and would like to have a greater role in their children's lives. However, many families lackthe support to control and guide their children. We should assist parents, notassail them.

Directions: In the following passage, there are five groups of underlined sentences. Read the passage carefully and translate these sentences into Chinese. Write the Chinese version on your Answer Sheet.





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