A Good Deed Each Day
Every New Year's Day, millions of people make a resolution, but it usually falls by the wayside within a few months, weeks or even days. However, 26-year-old Luke Cameron is not one of them. The young man decided to do at least one


A Good Deed Each Day
Every New Year's Day, millions of people make a resolution, but it usually falls by the wayside within a few months, weeks or even days. However, 26-year-old Luke Cameron is not one of them. The young man decided to do at least one good deed a day, for 366 days-and he has not missed yet.
Luke did his first good deed on January 1, 2020. He simply greeted a waitress when he visited a café. The next day he bought food and drinks for some homeless people. and he followed it up by giving coins to a woman, as she did not have enough to feed a parking meter.
Though most of his kind gestures have been welcomed, Luke says there have been a few awkward(尴尬的) situations. Once, as he was trying to give away a£20 bill to an old lady,her granddaughter expressed doubt about his purpose. Another time he bought a sausage roll for a homeless man, but this man happened to be a vegetarian(素食者).
Luke has carefully recorded his good deeds in an online diary. Most of them have been about helping people with small things-like taking out the garbage for an old neighbour or helping a disabled lady pick out a dress for a party. However, the young man has also spent nearly £4,000 of his own money buying gifts for the children in need.
Luke's kind deeds won him a good reputation(名声) He was offered a job for which he can earn £35,000 a year. Now the young man plans to continue doing good deeds well after the first 366 are done on December 31, 2020.

Many people fail to keep their new year's resolutions.

C.Not Given



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