Not a move. Even her expression hadn’t changed. Her breaths, however, were coming faster and faster. Then the  32  began. I had to do it. I had to have a  33  culture for her own protection. But first I told the  34  that it was entirely up to them. I 


Not a move. Even her expression hadn’t changed. Her breaths, however, were coming faster and faster. Then the  32  began. I had to do it. I had to have a  33  culture for her own protection. But first I told the  34  that it was entirely up to them. I  35  the danger but said that I would not insist on a throat  36 so long as they would take the responsibility, Only two people shared her “special seat“: a fine old man in a velvet coat, his hands clasped over a huge carved walking-stick, and a big old woman, sitting upright, with a  37 of knitting on her embroidered apron. They did not speak. This was  38 , for Miss Brill always looked  39  to the conversation. She had become really quite  40 , she thought, at listening as though she didn’t  41 , at sitting in other people’s lives just for a minute while they talked round her. Accordingly, I was considered one of the  42  ones. My scholarship to college was a ticket. People did not expect me to  43 . Understanding this, I can understand the  44  in the minds of those in Watts when I was home last summer, working in the  45 poverty program. Rumors spread quickly that I was a FBI  46 . I was suspect because I was not supposed to return. When white men first effect contact with some unspoilt race of savages, they offer them  47  kinds of benefits, from the light of the Gospel to  48  pies. These, however, much as we may regret it, most savages  49  with indifference. What they really value among the gifts that we bring to them is intoxicating liquor, which enables them ,for the first  50  in their lives, to have the illusion, for a few brief moments, that it is better to be  51  than dead. At the flower market she walked up and down in front of the stalls, and saw more clearly because of her decision, so she thought. She looked at the flowers. She looked at the people. There was a  52  at the farthest stand. The woman's face was  53 . But her hands were beautiful. She was  54  a baby. Marian wanted  55  grand flowers, only the soft and touchable. She bought a big wheel of  56  carnations, and some little gentle-petalled primroses with shiny clark green leaves.

【参考答案】32.X.battle的意思是“战斗”。本文用战斗来形容医生为小女孩检查嗓子时小女孩挣扎反抗的情形。该句的意思是“还是没反应。甚至连表情也没有。然而她的呼吸越来越急促了。接着一场战斗开始了。”33.R.throat的意思是“嗓子,喉咙”。该句的意思是“为保险起见,我必须给她的喉咙做个细菌培养。”34.S.parents意思是“父母”,该句的意思是“但是我得先告诉她父母这完全由他们决定。”35.F.explained表示“解释”。这里是指在检查之前,“我”先解释了风险所在。36.V.examination的意思是“检查”。原文的意思是“但我又说,只要他们愿意承担风险,我不会坚持要做喉咙检查的”。37.Y.roll这里的意思是“一团”。原句是指“另一个大块头的老妇人,笔直地坐着,一卷针织物放在她的绣花围裙上。”38.G.disappointing表示“令人失望的”。这里的意思是“他们没有说话。这是令人失望的,因为布里尔小姐总是期待着谈话。”39.E.forward。这里look forward to的意思是“期待”。,其本意是“专家”,这里是指“非常擅长做某事”。41.Q.listen“听”。原句是指“她认为她非常专心在听,但她根本没有听进去。”42.A.lucky的意思是“幸运地”。原文中的“我”是一名黑人,能上大学实属幸运。所以原句的意思是“因此,我被看作是幸运儿”。43.O.return。表示“回来”。原句的意思是“我上大学靠的是奖学金,人们并不指望我会回来”。44.U.puzzlement“困惑”。这里的意思是“了解了这一点,我就能明白去年夏天我回到瓦茨,在当地扶贫活动中工作时,瓦茨人心中的困惑了”。45.P.local意思是“当地的”。这里的“local poverty program”意思是“瓦茨当地的扶贫工作”。46.H.agent,这里表示“特工”。这里的“FBI agent”指的是“联邦调查局特工”。47.L.all意思是“所有的”。本文选自罗素的《论人性和政治》。原句的意思是“当白人开始与某个未受破坏的野蛮民族接触时,他们会主动给野人各种好处。”48.D.pumpkin意思是“南瓜”。原句的意思是“从送基督教福音书到送南瓜馅饼,他们都会主动送给野人”。49.B.receive意思是“接受”。文中原句是指“虽然我们可能表示遗憾,然而许多野人却冷冷地接受这一切”。50.J.time文中的“for the first time”是指“第一次”的意思。51.I.alive意思是“活着”。文中原句的意思是“在我们带去的这些礼物中野人真正看重的是那令人陶醉的酒,酒使他们有生以来第一次产生了片刻的幻觉,觉得活着比死了强。”52.K.family意思是“一家人”。原文的意思是“在最远处的花亭有一家人”。53.C.sad意思是“悲伤,由于”。文中是指“女人的脸上很忧郁”。54.M.nursing意思是“照料,喂”。原文 “nurse a baby”是指“在给孩子喂奶”。55.N.no表示否定。原文是指“玛丽安不想买华丽的花,只想要色泽柔和可以触摸的花。”56.W. red意思是“红色的”。原文的意思是“她买了一个红色康乃馨的大花环”。




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