请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务。(用英文作答) (1)英语词汇教学的内容有哪些 (2)若指导小学生学习,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据拟定的教学目标,设计操练和运用环节的教学活动,并用中文注明设计意图。


请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务。(用英文作答) (1)英语词汇教学的内容有哪些 (2)若指导小学生学习,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据拟定的教学目标,设计操练和运用环节的教学活动,并用中文注明设计意图。

(1)The contents of teaching vocabulary include word meaning, word use, word information and word memory strategy. (2)Knowledge Objectives: Students can listen,say, read, and write the words :doctor, cook, driver,farmer, nurse; Students can listen, read and use the sentence patterns"What is your father's job" "My father is a doctor. " Ability Objective: Students can use the sentence patterns to inquire about someone's job and to communicate with others smoothly.Emotion Objectives: Students actively join in the learning activities and confidently speak in English; Students know something about "job"and set up their own dream. (3)Practice Activity1 Dictation T:Please work in pairs. One student reads a new word and the other student writes it down. Then change your roles when you finish the five words. Let's see which pair will finish it as the first one. OK,begin ! While students do dictation, the teacher walks around the classroom to correct students' pronunciation and handwriting. 【设计意图】通过学生合作听写新单词,训练学生的听力、口语和书写能力。教师巡视课堂,可以纠正学生的发音与书写错误。 Activity2 Task time T: You have done a good job! Now there is a task for you boys and girls. Please act as an interviewer to survey what your classmates' family members' jobs are by using the sentence"What is your father's/mother' s / uncle' s... jobHe / She is...". You should finish the table below. For example : Li Hua's mother is a doctor. 【设计意图】学生扮演小记者调查同班同学家人的职业,可以在语境中训练学生的语用能力,让学生感受到“学以致用”的乐趣。 Production T:Please find your partners freely and make a dialogue with your partners according to the table you have finished and act it out. 【设计意图】学生在足够的语言输入的基础上自由选择搭档编对话。这个活动可以为学生提供语言输出的机会,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。




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