请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务: (1)简述在小学英语教学中应如何使用多媒体。 (2)如指导小学生学习材料,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据拟定的教学目标,设计导入环节和新知呈现环节的教学活动并说明理由。


请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务: (1)简述在小学英语教学中应如何使用多媒体。 (2)如指导小学生学习材料,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据拟定的教学目标,设计导入环节和新知呈现环节的教学活动并说明理由。

(1)小学英语教学中使用多媒体的方法 ①巧用多媒体,激发学生的学习兴趣。 ②巧用多媒体,创设情境,引入新课。 ③巧用多媒体,活化教材,寓学于乐。 ④巧用多媒体,提高利用时间的效率。 ⑤利用网络技术,扩展学生的知识面。 (2) Teaching Aims Knowledge aim: Students will be able to learn and master the structure to describe animals. Ability aim: Students can make sentences through imitation of the example. Their abilities of making sentencescan be improved. Emotional aim: Students will get more interest in learning English and in protecting animals. (3)导入环节和新知呈现环节 Lead—in(导入环节): ①Show the video about different kinds of cats. Ask students some questions: Q1: What can you see in the video Q2: Which kind of pet do you like best ②Free talk. Ask some questions about pet, for example: Q1: Have you ever kept a pet Q2: How does it like Q3: What color is it Q4: When is its birthday 【设计意图1 视频和讨论的目的是为了吸引学生的注意力,同时明确本课的话题。 Presentation(新知呈现环节): Show the picture about kittens. ① Show the first picture, and ask students "What's this". Students may give such answer as "They are pigs""They are mice", and so on. ② Show other pictures. Student will understand that they are kittens. ③Ask students to pay attention to the date and reorder the pictures. Read and match. ① Show some sentences about pictures and ask students to try to match it. Such as: They have white fur.May 3rd. They can walk.April 21st. ② Let students review the knowledge they learned about the date: We should put the "on" before the month. ③ Make sentences through imitation of the example "Their eyes are open on April 26th." Invite some students to write two sentences about the kittens on the blackboard. Ask students to make new sentences to describe the animals they like. 【设计意图】 通过图片让学生更形象地感受到小猫的变化。通过句子配对的方式,让学生学会组词造句,提升描述事物的能力。




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