请认真阅读下面的材料并按要求作答。 根据教学材料,回答以下问题。(用英文作答) (1)英语词汇教学的内容有哪些 (2)为指导小学生学习,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据教学目标,设计操练和运用环节的教学活动,并用中文注明设计意图。


请认真阅读下面的材料并按要求作答。 根据教学材料,回答以下问题。(用英文作答) (1)英语词汇教学的内容有哪些 (2)为指导小学生学习,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据教学目标,设计操练和运用环节的教学活动,并用中文注明设计意图。

(1) The contents of teaching vocabulary includeword meaning, word use, word information and wordmemory strategy. (2) Knowledge Objectives : ① Students listen, say, read, and write the words:doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse. ②Students listen, read and use the sentence pat-terns"What is your father's job.'My father is adoctor. " Ability Objectives: Students use the sentence patterns to inquire aboutsomeone's job and to communicate with otherssmoothly. Emotion Objectives: ①Students actively join in the learning activitiesand confidently speak in English. ②Students know something about "job" and set uptheir own dream. (3)Practice Activity 1 Dictation T: Please work in pairs. One student reads a newword and the other student writes it down. Thenchange your roles when you finish the five words. Let’s see which pair will finish it as the first one. OK,begin ! While students do dictation, the teacher walksaround the classroom to correct students' pronuncia-tion and handwriting. 【设计意图】通过两两学生合作听写新单词,训练学生的听力、口语和书写能力。教师巡视课堂,可以纠正学生的语音与书写错误。 Activity 2 Task time T: You have done a good job!Now there is a taskfor you boys and girls. Please act as an interviewerto survey what your classmates' family members'jobs are by using the sentence "What is your father's/mother's/uncle's/.., jobHe/She is ...". Youshould finish the table below. For example : Li Hua's mother is a doctor. 【设计意图】学生扮演小记者调查同班同学的家人的职业,可以在语境中训练学生的语用能力,计学牛感受到“学以致用”的乐趣。 Production T: Please find your partnersfreely and make a dia-logue with your partnersaccordingto to the table youhave finished and act itout . 【设计意图】学生在足 够的语言输入的基础上自由选择搭档编对话。这个活动可以为学生提供语言输出的机会,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。




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