研究表明,睡眠多可以让我们挣钱更多。美国的一项研究发现,太阳落山早的地方,人们睡眠时间更长,收入反而更多。如果一周能多睡一小时,工资收入就能提高4.9%。因此,如果你生活的地方天黑得更早,那么你会挣得更多。但是,这不符合传统经济学的观点,因为多睡一小时工作时间就会减少。那么,为什么多睡觉反而能多挣钱呢?答案是生产效率。这对靠销售业绩拿提成( on commission)的人最为有效。
Research shows that more sleep can lead to us earning more money. A US study has found that in areas where the sun sets earlier, people sleep longer—this translates into higher earnings. Just one extra hour of sleep a week means an increase of wages by 4.9%. So if you live in an area that gets darker earlier, you should be richer. But this goes against conventional economics, as each extra hour of sleep should take away from work time. So how can sleeping more earn you more money? The answer is productivity. The biggest effects come through salespersons who work on commission.