非洲国家占联合国会员国的四分之一,人口占世界的13%。没有非洲的稳定,就没有世界的和平;没有非洲的繁荣,就没有世界的发展。非洲国家在发展领域,特别是实现千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)方面仍面临困难:3亿多人口生活在贫困线以下,三分之一的儿童营养不良,3000多万人受到艾滋病困扰,经济总量不足全球的2%,债务却高达3000亿美元。这是对人类良知的挑战。
African countries take up a quarter of the UN menbership and their population accounts for 13% of the world's total. If there is no stability in Africa, the peace of the world will be challenged, If Africa remains poor, the development of the world will be checked. African countries are confronted with difficulties in their devvelopment, particularly in attaining the Millennium Development Goals. Over 300 million people are still living below the poverty line. One third of the children are malnourished. More than 30 million people are suffering from HIV/AIDS. With less than 2%of the world's economic aggregate, Africa is weighed down by debts amounting to US$300 billion. All these pose a challenge to the conscience of mankind.