The Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data furnished to the Purchaser shall provide sufficient information to enable a qualified mechanic, as appropriate, to inspect troubleshoot, test, and repair or re lace all systems and units considered by the ma


The Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data furnished to the Purchaser shall provide sufficient information to enable a qualified mechanic, as appropriate, to inspect troubleshoot, test, and repair or re lace all systems and units considered by the manufacturer to be repairable or replace able as a part of the normal maintenance procedures.
提供给买方的维修手册和/或维修数据应提供足够的信息,使合格的机械师能够酌情检查、排除故障、测试、 修理或重新安排制造商认为作为正常维修程序的一部分可修理或可更换的所有系统和部件。

A.The Manufacture recommends that Buyer's qualified technicians inspect, troubleshoot test and repair or replace systems and components recommended by the Manufacturer that may be repairable o replaceable during normal maintenance procedures. The Manufacturer shall provide sufficient information in the Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance data.
B.The Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data provided by the manufacturer to the Purchaser shall contain enough information to enable qualified mechanics to inspect, troubleshoot test and repair or replace all systems and units that the Manufacturer regarded to be repairable or replaceable during normal maintenance procedures.
C.The Manufacturer shall provide the Purchaser with adequate information to enable the mechanics to do qualified work, such s to inspect troubleshoot test and repair or replace all systems and components that repairable or replaceable with reference to the Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data ad required



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