The localizer course is aligned with the centerline of the runway,and the glideslope path is at a constant angle to the threshold of the runway.
A.定位器与跑道中心线对齐,下滑道与跑道出口成一定角度。 B.航道与跑道中心线对齐,下滑道与跑道入口成恒定角度。 C.航道与跑道中心线平行,下滑道与跑道出口成恒定角度正确答案B
The localizer course is aligned with the centerline of the runway,and the glideslope path is at a constant angle to the threshold of the runway.
A.定位器与跑道中心线对齐,下滑道与跑道出口成一定角度。 B.航道与跑道中心线对齐,下滑道与跑道入口成恒定角度。 C.航道与跑道中心线平行,下滑道与跑道出口成恒定角度正确答案B