Topic: What do you think of the Wade family s principles in the text "First Principles"? Use the following questions as an outline:
1.What are the family's first principles?
2.How did the family overcome their difficulties, using their principles?


Topic: What do you think of the Wade family s principles in the text "First Principles"? Use the following questions as an outline:
1.What are the family's first principles?
2.How did the family overcome their difficulties, using their principles?
3.How would you comment on the family and their principles?

According to Emily Wade, the family s first principles are to go back to the essential meanings of life. In case of Christmas, the essential meaning is to give people they love memorable things according to their ability.
When the family was faced with financial problems,the parents still decided to help their troubled relatives. For their own Christmas, they chose to go to their farm for a less expensive but equally happy Christmas. The parents spent most of the money on their children. and the children, though not getting any expensive gift, felt grateful and joyous.
In this commercialized modern world, the family's principles serve as a good example to prove that happiness can be simple. Money is not necessarily the source of happiness. Money sometimes even gives people a false illusion of what a happy life should look like. Actually, mutual care and love between people are the essentials in life.




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