关于2017年产大米的报盘 你方5月20日来函,报50公吨标题货物上海到岸价,每公吨280美元,7月交货,谢谢。 尽管很欣赏你们产品的良好品质,但我们遗憾地发现你们的价格似乎偏髙,与现行市场价格水平不符。我们要指出的是,在我方市场有些其他亚洲国家的供应商提供的该种大米,价格都比你方低10%到15%。 鉴于此,我们无法说服我方用户接受你们的报盘。如果你们能降价,比方说8%,我们也许会达成交易。 行市趋疲,建议马上接受我们的还盘。 XXX谨上
Dear Sirs Your offer for rice 2017 crop We have received your letter of 20th May offering us 50 metric tons of the captioned goods at US $280 per metric ton CIF Shanghai for July shipment, for which we thank you. While appreciating the good quality of your products, we regret to find that your price appears to be on the high side and out of line with the prevailing market level. We have to point that the price is available in our market from several other Asian suppliers, all of which are at prices from 10% to 15% lower than yours. Such being the case, it's impossible for us to persuade our end-users to accept your offeer. Should you be prepared to reduce your price by, say 8%, we might come to terms. As the market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance to our counter offer. Yours Sincerely