根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案。用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面的学生信息和语言素材,设计一个30分钟的英语写作教学活动该方案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:? teachingobjectives teachingcontents keyanddifficultpoints majorstepsandtimeallocation activitiesandiustifications 教学时间:30分钟? 学生概况:某城镇普通中学八年级(初二)学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已达到《义务教? 育英语课程标准(2011年版)》三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材:? 3aReadthethreenotes.Matcheachnotewiththecorrectsituation. Thank-younoteforagirl. Thank-younoteforaparty. Thank-younoteforhelp. Note1 DearKim, Sometimesitisn'teasybeingthenewkidatschool,butIhadawonderfultimeonSaturdaynight.Thankyousomuchforinvitingme.Ididn'tknowsomeofthegirls,buttheywereallreallyfriendlytome.Andthevideoyoushowedwasreallyfunny.Ifeellikepartofthegroupnow. Maria Note2 DearTon, Thanksforshowingmetheschoollastweek.Iwashavingahardtimefindingituntilyoucamealong.AndIenjoyedmeetingCarlos.He'sreallygoodatmath,isn'the?Hesaidhe'dhelpmewithmymathproject.Friendslikeyoumakeitaloteasiertogetalonginanewplace. Bill Note3? DearAleen, Thanksfortheticketsfornextweek'sgame.I'msorryyouandyourfathercan'tgo,butI'mreallyhappytohavethetickets.I'mgoingtoaskmycousin,Tommy,togowithme.I'llthinkofyouaswewatchtheBlackSockswinthegame.(Ihope!) John36Fillintheblanksinthisthank-younote. DearSarah, forinvitingmetoyourhouseonFriday.Ireallymeetingyourfamily.Andyourbabysisterisreally______.Ihadatime.I'm.Ihadtoleaveearly,butIhadafamilydinner.Mygrandfatherwashavinghis90thtirthdayparty! Yourssincerely, Maria
Teaching Contents: The material is about writing a thank-you note. Teaching Objectives: (l) Knowledge objective Students can be more familiar with the topic of "thanks" and know how to express their thanks to others. (2) Ability objective Students can write a thank-you note logically and use it to express their thanks. (3) Emotional objective Students wilt have the awareness of express their thanks after others' help. Teaching Key and Difficult Points: How to make students master the methods and procedures of writing a thank-you note. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Pre-writing (7 minutes) At this step the teacher will ask students to do three activities. Activity 1: Sample reading Students will be asked to read 3a, and match each note with the correct situation by themselves. Activity 2: Discussion Students will be divided into 8 groups and have a discussion about"What else condition can you think out to write a thank-you note " Then the teacher will make a summary on the useful ideas of writing a thank-you note. Activity 3: Outlining Students will be asked to read 3b, and illustrate the formation of letter. Then the teacher will make a summary on the components of a thank-you note. (Justification: The sample reading can help students have a basic understanding of the contents of a thank-you note. Through discussion, students' thoughts can be inspired by each other's sparkling points. The outlining can help students illustrate the main organizing structure and the most important points of the essay and make a preparation for the drafting.) Step 2 Writing (18 minutes) (1) Drafting The teacher will set a situation that"you could write a letter to your friend or your parents to express your thanks for his or her help according to the formation and the notes" and give students enough time to write the first draft. (2) Peer editing After the drafting, the teacher will ask students to check their notes with their deskmates. They should read the passage and check the ideas or the logical development. Also, check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings. (3) Revising The teacher guides students to make necessary improvements in both organisation and contents based on their editing, e.g adding new points or deleting irrelevant facts, and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or choice of words. (Justification: Making the topic of writing close to students' life can stimulate their interests. Peer editing can provide an opportunity for students to share their writings and help them learn from each other. Proper guidance in revising can help students to make improvements in their writings.) Step 3 Assessing (5 minutes) The teacher will share two notes of the students and give some evaluations from the advantages and disadvantages. Then the teacher will tell students the meaning of thanks and ask students to revise their notes according to the evaluations after class. (Justification: This is also a very important part for students, from which they can find their mistakes and get to know how to correct them. It' s also a good chance for them to learn the meaning of thanks.)