根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一个20分钟的阅读训练活动。教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点:? teachingobjectives teachingcontents keyanddifficultpoints majorstepsandtimeallocation activitiesandjustifications 教学时间:20分钟? 学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中二年级第一学期学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》六级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材:? {图} Skiingismyfavouritesport,eventhoughIhaveonlyskiedforfourdaysinmywholelife! LastyearmyfatherpromisedtotakemeonaholidayifIdidwellinmyexams.WhenIgotstraightA's,Dadsaid,"HowaboutaweekendattheBotanicalGardens?" However,mymumsaid,"No,youpromisedaspecialholiday,Ithinkyououghttokeepyourword."And,despitetheexpense,hedid. Mydreamwastoseesomerealsnow,sointheChristmasvacationweflewtoSeoul,SouthKorea,andthentookashuttlebuswhichrunsbackandforthbetweenSeoulandMujuResort.Asthebusclimbedthroughthemountains,wesawthesnowonthetrees.Iwasdyingtogetoutandplaywithit!Atlast,wereachedtheresortandquicklyscrambledoutofthebus.Nooneinmyfamilyhadevertouchedsnowbefore.Wewerealllikelittlechildren--wepickeditup,madesnowballs,andthrewthemateachother!Thenwecheckedinatthehotel.Ourroomoverlookedoneoftheskislopes.Theslopewasfloodlit,sowewatchedpeopleskiinguntil10p.m.Wecouldnotwaittotryitourselves. Thenextdaywehadourfirstskiinglesson.Werentedourskisuits,bootsandskis,andwentoutsideontothesnow.Wearingskisforthefirsttimemakesyoufeelverystrange.Suddenlyyoufindyoucannotevenwalk. Ourinstructortookusontoagentleslope,andshowedussomebasicskills.Inordertogoupahill,youhavetostandsideways,andgoupstepbystep.Youmustpointthetipsofyourskisto-gethersothatyoucanstop.However,thetipsmustnotcross,oryouwillfall.Youshouldnotskialoneincaseyoufallandgetinjured.Tobehonest,thatfirstlessonwasnotagreatsuccess,andIkeptonfallingdown! However,thenextdayIdefinitelyimproved,Ionlyfelloverafewtimes,andImanagedtodoafewlongerruns.Ifeltpleasedwithmyself,andtheinstructorcongratulatedme,soIfeltgreat. Althoughitwasverycold,Ispentmostofthatholidayskiing.Itwasthemostwonderfultimeofmylife. Nevertheless,itwasallovertoosoon.NowIhavedecidedtoworkpart-timethissummer,soIcanearnenoughmoneyforanothersuperskiingholiday.
Class Type: Reading Class Teaching Topic: Skiing Teaching Contents: This lesson is from senior high school, and it mainly talks about the first skiing experience of the writer on Christmas vacation. This lesson will enlarge students' vocabulary of natural phenomenon and help them learn to ex-press the past actions. Teaching Objectives: Knowledge objectives: ( 1 ) In the reading class, students can learn some new words and important expressions of the description of the unforgettable skiing experience. (2) Students can understand the writer's feelings during the first skiing experience. Ability objectives: (1) Students can master the skills about how to describe an unforgettable experience. (2) Students can grasp the reading skills by skimming and scanning the text and be familiar with talking about the past tense. Emotional objectives: ( 1 ) Students can strengthen pride and awareness of Chinese traditional festival. (2) Students can foster the confidence and enthusiasm of learning English. Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Key point: Students can understand the whole passage and retell it and know how to describe their expe-rience. Teaching Difficult point: How to get the skills of reading and foster students' enthusiasm of learning. Teaching Method: Task-based Teaching Method, Situational Teaching Method, Communicative approach Teaching Aid: Multi-media, pictures of natural tourist areas Major Steps: Step 1 Pre-reading ( 3 minutes) The teacher sets two questions for students to think. The first one is how people celebrate the Christmas on va-cation. The second one is what story is the reading about. Ask students to guess the main idea of this passage. (Justification: Brainstorming and predicting can get students' mind closer to the text, which can make reading more intriguing and purposeful. ) Step 2 While-reading (12 minutes) Fast reading: Ask the students the main idea of the passage, and what the main characters in the story are. Careful reading: Read the passage, discuss in groups and put the event in the correct order. __________I only fell over a few times, and I managed to do a few longer runs. __________In Christmas, we flew to Seoul, South Korea. __________ My father promised to take me on a special holiday. __________We returned our ski suits, boots and skis, and went outside into the snow. __________ I decided to work part-time, so that I could earn enough money. __________ We watched people skiing until 10 p.m. (Justification: Through fast reading and careful reading, students can learn the main strategies of reading, such as skimming and scanning. Moreover they can know how to read a passage when given a long passage.) Step 3 Post-reading (5 minutes) At the step, students will learn the knowledge of words and expressions, so there wilt be some exercises for them. Without looking at the passage, try to complete the sentences with the correct words. (1) Then we __________in at the hotel. (2) __________ you find you cannot even walk. (3) Our __________ took us onto a __________ slope. (4)__________it was very cold, I spent most of that holiday. (Justification: This step can check whether the students master the important words and expressions.)