请认真阅读下文,并按要求作答。 问题(一):如指导中年段小学生学习上述内容,试拟定教学目标和教学重点。(15分) 问题(二):根据拟定的教学目标,设计课堂教学环节并简要说明理由。(25分)


请认真阅读下文,并按要求作答。 问题(一):如指导中年段小学生学习上述内容,试拟定教学目标和教学重点。(15分) 问题(二):根据拟定的教学目标,设计课堂教学环节并简要说明理由。(25分)

1.教学目标 (1)知识与技能目标 ①能听说认读下列单词:toy box, desk, chair, plane, bag, yeah!介词 in, on, under,并能在日常生活中使用。 ②能听懂并会说:Where is. . . ? It's in/on/under...并能在实际情境中自然运用。 (2)过程与方法目标 通过实物操作过程,培养学生将英语应用于现实情境中的能力;通过同学之间的对话, 培养合作学习的能力。 (3)情感态度与价值观目标 激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的语感。 2.教学重点 掌握句型 Where is... ? It’s in/on/ under... 问题(二): 一、课堂预热 T = teacher C = class S1 = student (个别学生) 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls! I'm Lily. Nice to meet you. (热情地与学生打招呼) 2. Sing some English songs. 二、新课讲授 (教师拿出一个装有各种玩具的盒子,把玩具一件一件从盒子里拿出来放在讲台上,讲台边放一张桌子、一张椅子,告诉学生,老师将用这些东西做游戏,表演对话) T: Look! What's this in English? It’s a toy box. What's in it? A plane, a car, a boat, a ball and a doll. So, this is a toy box. This is a chair and this is a desk. Let's play a game. OK? Close your eyes.(教师把小汽车放到椅子下面)Open your eyes. What's missing? (让学生举手回答)Where’s the car?(让学生猜,不许看,教师则用英语表达)In the desk?(找)No! In the toy box?(找)No!(从桌下拿出)Look! It's under the chair. (一)教授 desk,chair, toy box T:(指着实物问)What's this in English? S1 : It's a toy box. 操练: ①T: I say the word,you point to the picture. Who can? S1听听指指(多让几个学生上台快速听指) ②T:(指着图片问)What’s this in English? S1: It's a toy box/chair/desk/... ③Pair work(学生上台用实物操练) (二)教授 in, on, under ,Where is. . . ? It\s in / on / under... T(把plane, ball, car分别放在玩具箱里、椅子下面及桌子上面,提问):Where is the plane/ball/car? S1,2 3 (分别回答):It’s in the toy box/under the chair /on the desk. (学生回答一句,教师把玩具图片贴在相应的位置,如把飞机放在有缺口的玩具箱里面,并贴词卡in及板书主要句型It’s in the toy box) 教师表情稍带微笑,依次教学It’s under the chair. It’s on the desk. 操练: ①T: Let’s chant. OK?(手指黑板上的贴图,有节奏地说)in,in, in, in the boy box. / under, under, under, under the chair, /on, on, on, on the desk. 全班学生拍手说chant。 T:(教师说cham前半部分,学生分组说chant的后半部分) ②T(指着贴图问全班学生):Where is the plane/ball/car? C : It's in the toy box/under the chair/on the desk. ③Pair work(学生两人一组示范表演) (三)升调表疑问这一句型 T(拿着小汽车):This is your car. Hide it.(藏起来,为了加强对活动的控制,要求学生只能藏在与自己的物品相关的地方,在教师与一位学生表演时,其他学生只能看,不能发出声音,采取小组评价调控课堂) S1:Where is my car? T(站在讲台边,用升调,侧身做出询问的样子)dn the desk? On the chair? under the chair?(如果教师次都没有猜对,便向学生询问Where is your car?如果学生回答准确, 教师发给他小贴画作为奖励,然后教师板书句型In the toy box? T(手指两个句子,引导学生比较有什么不同):这两个句子各是什么意思? S1:“In the toy box. ”的意思是“在玩具箱里。”“In the toy box?”的意思是“在玩具箱里吗?” T: I say “In the toy box. ” you say “In the toy box?” 三、练习对话 T(拿出 Mikc 和 Mum 的图 片):Who's this boy? C: Mike. T: Who's this woman? C:His mom. (教师把图片分别贴在黑板上) T: Mike can't find his car. Mike and his Mum are talking. Listen to the tape and answer the question: Where is Mike's car? (教师完整地放一遍录音) S1: It's under the chair. T: Who can repeat? (教师放录音,每句话暂停,请个別学生重复,教师分别在黑板上贴出相应的句子卡片) T: Group I and Group 2. You are Mike. Group 3 and Group 4. You are Mum. (教师放录音,每句话暂停,全班分角色跟读) 对话操练: ①T: I’m Mum. You are Mike.(教师与全班学生进行对话操练) ②T: Boys,you are Mike. Girls, you are Mum.(全班学生分男女对话操练) ③Pair work(两人小组练习,教师指导) (表演:取下卡片,准备好道具,两人一组上台进行示范表演,并评选出最佳拍档。要求表演时声音响亮,语言流利,表情自然,其他学生认真看表演,采取小组评价监控) 四、完成任务 T: Make up your own dialogue about your school things.(教师让学生用自己的文具进行练习,自己根据本课所学的句型来编对话) (教师示范。假如你的好朋友找不到他的尺子或是钢笔了,怎么办呢?) ①A: Where is my ruler? B: It's on the desk. A : Thank’s. ②A: Where is my pen? B: On the desk? A: No. B: In the box? A: No. B: Look! It's under the chair. A : Thanks. (分组自由表演,评出最有创意的小组。发动学生自评、互评) 五、结束 T: I can’t find my call phone, who can help me? Where is my phone?(让学生帮助教师找手机) S1 : On the desk? S2 : Under the chair? T: Yeah, It's in the bag. [设计理由]将所学任务分别融入实际的操作中,使学生从实际操作中感知英语的情境,提高对英语的学习乐趣。




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