Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they will read logically. Put the numbers in proper sequence in the boxes provided below.
1. There are few birds and few surface-feeding fishes, and indeed there is little surface plankton to attract them. The life of these regions is largely confined to deep water.
2. It lies all about Bermuda and extends more than halfway across the Atlantic, its entire area being roughly as large as the Untied States.
3. The Sargasso Sea is an exception, not matched in the anticyclonic centers of the other ocean basins.
4. The central oceanic regions, bounded by the currents that sweep around the ocean basins, are in general the deserts of the sea.
5. A line drawn from the month of Chesapeake Bay to Gibraltar would skirt its northern border; another from Haiti to Dakar would mark its southern boundary.
6. It is so different from any other place on earth that it may well be considered a definite geographic region.
7. The Sargasso, with all its legendary terrors for sailing ships, is a creation of the great currents of the North Atlantic that encircle it and bring onto it the millions of tons of floating sargassum weed from which the place derives its name, and the weird assemblage of animals that live in the weed.
【4】【1】【3】 6 5 【2】【7】