Rearrangethe following sentences so that they read logically. Put the correspondingletters in a proper sequence in the boxes provided below. The positions of somesentences have been given.A. Inthe first stage in the life of a star, the hot gas is drawn by the force ofgravity into a burning sphere.B. Scientistsspeculate that stars were first formed from the gases floating in the universeat the beginning of time.C. Ablack hole has thus been formed.D. Butgravity soon takes over again,and the exploded star falls back in on itself with such force thatall the matter in the star is compacted into a mass no larger than a few milesin diameter.E. Atthis point,noheavenly body can be seen in that area of the sky,asthe tremendous pull of gravity lets nothing escape, not even light.F. Ablack hole in space, from all indications, is the result of the death of astar.G. Inthe middle stage--our own sun being a middle-aged star--the burning continuesat a regular rate, giving off enormous amounts of heat and light.H. Asit grows old, however, the star eventually explodes to become what is called a nova, a superstar.