Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a dream of evil omen for young goodman Brown. A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream. On the Sabbath-day, when the congregation were singing a holy psalm, he could not listen, because an anthem of sin rushed loudly upon his ear, and drowned all the blessed strain.
A. Identify the title of the story from which this part is taken.
B. Why does Brown become stern, sad, and distrustful?
C. What does "that fearful dream" refer to?
A.Hawthorne; Young Goodman Brown.
B.Because he is never able to believe in goodness or piety again.
C."That fearful dream"refers to a witches' party wwhere he saw many prominent people of the village and the church.