Plastic bottles are made chiefly from PP (polypropylene), with a small amount of PET (polyethylene glycol terephthalate). And the use of waste plastic bottles as textile material to make clothes is a complicated physical and chemical process. According to Dr. Jian Lingqi, a scientist from the Chemistry and Physics Research Institute, Lanzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Science, the reclamation of PET can be classified into two categories: physical and chemical. The former refers to the physical process of firstly breaking the bottles into fine scraps with a grinder or crusher, then melting the scraps to remove impurities, and lastly drawing yarn so as to spin knitting wool. The latter is called chemical decomposition, which refers to the hydrolysis or alcoholysis (ethyl, methyl or ether) process of waste plastics. By way of decomposition, plastics are made into monomers or substances with relatively low-molecular mass that can be turned back into high-molecular synthetic materials. The products of chemical decomposition are uniform and easily controlled, without any need of separation or purification. And, what’s more, the production equipment costs less.