The Great Gatsby is an intriguing novel that examines life in American high society during the 1920s. On the surface The Great Gatsby is an entertaining read, but it contains a deeper meaning. It's an example of how the pursuit of money can corrupt people and lead to their downfall.
Several characters in the novel, Tom and Daisy in particular, become so obsessed with wealth that they lose their compassion for others. Despite his great riches, Gatsby is the only character who maintains his integrity by being true to his feelings. He thinks that he can use his luxurious possessions to influence others. Unfortunately, he is frustrated with the reality. Later, he comes to realize that his possessions are worthless.
Gatsby is symbolic of the death of the American Dream—the idea that hard work would lead to prosperity and happiness.To this day, The Great Gatsby remains a powerful reminder that in life, all that glitters is not gold.
《了不起的盖茨比》是一部引人入胜的小说,它审视了 20 世纪 20 年代美国上流社会的生活状况。表面上看,《了不起的盖茨比》是一本娱乐性读物,但它有更深刻的含义。追求金钱会让人堕落,使人万劫不复,本书就是一个例证。
盖茨比这一角色象征着美国梦的破灭,而美国梦的理念就是努力工作便能事业兴旺、幸福美满。时至今日,《了不起的盖茨比》 仍是—部力作,时时提醒着人们; 生活中,闪光的不一定都是金子。