The practical advantages exist clue to the peculiar environment within which counter trade usually takes place. They quite likely disappear when the environment changes-as is happening now in many countries. Restructuring and the development of markets may therefore mean that the environment within which counter trade usually takes place is changing so as to reduce its frequency. Reduced ownership restrictions are likely to shift the organizational forms toward joint ventures and wholly-owned enterprises which possess production facilities. Improved knowledge, experience, and legal enforcement of contractual obligations will likely mean increasing use of longer term and more sophisticated explicit transaction contracts.
实际好处的存在是因为对销贸易所产生的特殊 环境。当这种环境改变时,这种好处就可能不复 存在--就像目前许多国家的情况一样。经济 结构调整和市场的发展也许意味着产生对销贸 易的环境正在变化从而减少了对销贸易产生的 频率。对所有权限制的减少有可能将组织形式 朝着合资企业和拥有生产设施的独资企业方向 改变。对合同责任认识的提高、经验的丰富和依 法实施的改善将有可能意味着越来越多地使用 更长期、更复杂详细的交易合同。