Most multinational corporations are made up of vast numbers of foreign subsidiaries, companies in which over 50 percent is owned by the parent company. Like all corporations, MNCs are organized according to the goals they set for themselves. They strive to retain access to the necessary resources ; raw material, manpower, and capital. Furthermore, they try to grow through global cooperation by increasing their access to world resources. This leads them to expand their foreign market position,in other words,to increase their market share. MNCs grew into strong entities by reinvesting their profits prudently so as to further increase access to resources. They had to hire more and more talented local people abroad, and they had to purchase raw materials in foreign countries.
多数跨国公司都是由很多国外子公司组成的,母公司拥有子公司50%以上的股份。如所有公司一样,跨国公司也是按照它们的目标来组织的。 它们努力得到必需的资源:原料、劳动力和资金,而且它们通过在世界范围内获得更多资源,通过 全球范围内的合作获得发展。这使它们不断提 高自己在国外市场的地位,即增加它们的市场份 额。通过将利润谨慎地再进行投资以获取更多 资源,跨国公司发展成强大的实体。它们不得不 雇用更多的当地人才并从外国购买原料。