Documentary collection is a means of payment ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.The exporter sends the bill of exchange and the shipping documents to his bank, which forwards them to a bank in the customer* s country. This bank, or the exporter s agents in the country concerned, takes the documents to the customer. If it is a sight bill, the customer pays the amount directly. If it is a time bill,he signs the bill,which means he has “accepted” it for payment within a certain specified time. In return for either payment or acceptance of payment, the customer is handed the shipping documents which give title to the goods.
跟单托收是一种付款方法,当汇票所示金额付清 后,或客户承兑汇票作为指定日期付款的契约 时,货物才交给买方。出口商把汇票和货运单据交给他的银行,该银行 再将汇票和单据交给客户所在国的银行。该银行或出口商在有关国家的代理把单据交给客户。 如果是即期汇票,客户便直接支付。如果是远期 汇票,他在汇票上签字,意思是承兑该汇票,在指 定的时间内付款。无论已付款或承兑付款,此时 客户便可获取货运单据,借此拥有货物。