In choosing a transportation mode for a particular product, shippers consider as many as six criteria : speed, frequency, dependability, capability, availability and cost. Thus if a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders. Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transportation modes, thanks to containerization. Containerization consists of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that are easy to transfer between two transportation modes. Each coordinated mode of transportation offers specific advantages to the shipper.
为了给某种产品选定一种运输方式:速度、频率、可靠性、能力、便利性和成 本。这样,若货主要求速度,空运和汽车运输是 首要选择。如果目标是低成本,那么水运和管道 运输最好。由于集装箱化的发展,货主来越多 地将两种或更多的运输方式结合在一起。集装 箱化是指将货物装人便于在两种运输方式间互 换的箱子里或拖车上。每种联运都为货主提供 了某些便利。