Cargo insurance is one of the main branches of insurance. These are usually listed as fire, marine,life and accident. The term “ marine” used to refer to the insurance of ships and their cargoes. Today the movement of cargoes is frequently effected partly by other modes of transport. Where cargo is concerned,“ transportation insurance ” seems a better term to use today than marine insurance. Goods do not go overseas solely by sea-air transport takes an increasing share of cargo these days.
货物保险是主要保险中的一种。(1分)这些保险通常有火险、海上保险和意外事故险。(1分)海 险过去指的是对船只和货物的保险。(1分)现在一部分货物常常由其他方式来运输。(1分)就货物而 言,目前使用的“运输保险”一词要比“海上保险”一词恰当。(2分)运到国外的货物不仅仅通过海洋运 输,近来通过空运的货物的比例也在增加。(2分)